Contact Us

Any general or specific enquire you might have about our company?
Doubts with any of our products? New projects that need from our advice?
Our team will be excited to help you. Please feel free to contact us.

For general inquiries, contact:


Coralim Ingredients & Colours
C/ Dels Velluters, 13A – PE Táctica
46980 Paterna
(Valencia) Spain
+34 963 173 49

For colour solutions inquiries, contact:

Colour solutions division

Coralim Ingredients & Colours
C/ Dels Velluters, 13A – PE Táctica
46980 Paterna
(Valencia) Spain
+34 963 173 493

For Africa aditives and ingredients inquiries, contact:

Africa Division

Coralim Ingredients & Colours
C/ Dels Velluters, 13A – PE Táctica
46980 Paterna
(Valencia) Spain
+34 963 173 493